SDF Commander-In-Chief And Head Of The SDC Executive Council Meet With Students At Rojava University

Our SDF Commander-in-Chief, Mazloum Abdi, and the head of the Executive Council of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), Ilham Ahmed, held a meeting with students of the sixth and final year of the Medicin Faculty at Rojava University.

The meeting was attended by the Deputy of the Executive Council in the Autonomous Administration (AANES), Amina Ossi, the head of the Health Committee Dr. Joan Mustafa, and a number of students.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ilham Ahmed gave a full explanation of the political situation in our regions and Syria in general, noting that the Syrian government’s rejection of the educational curricula of the AANES and its certificates comes within the framework of its denial mentality, which rejects everything that is not compatible with it.

In response, Mazloum Abdi, the SDF Commander-in-Chief, articulated that the Rojava and NE Syria revolution, initiated through the organization of protective forces to safeguard the populace and their territories, successfully repelled all assaults on the region. This trajectory culminated in the establishment of the Autonomous Administration, which, in turn, prioritized education as a pivotal endeavor.

“In conjunction with military efforts in the field,” Abdi emphasized, “there was a parallel establishment of cultural, educational, and service-oriented institutions. Despite numerous obstacles and challenges, the Autonomous Administration provided a significant opportunity for all constituents of the NE Syria region to receive education in their native languages within the confines of schools.”

The Commander-in-Chief commended the steadfast dedication exhibited by students who pursued education within the universities and schools under the Autonomous Administration. He acknowledged the invaluable support of their families, highlighting that their progression to the final year alone is a remarkable accomplishment. This batch’s impending graduation, he noted, not only brings positive tidings to our community but also solidifies the triumph of endeavors invested in erecting educational institutions, affirming their successful trajectory.

Furthermore, he underscored the imperative of safeguarding and advancing these achievements and legacies into the future. He emphasized that ongoing efforts will be directed toward securing international recognition for the universities and schools within NE Syria, a testament to their continuous commitment.

The students eloquently conveyed the challenges they encountered throughout their academic journey, shedding light on the trials they faced during their years of study. Additionally, they put forth a series of insightful recommendations to enhance the university’s overall educational experience, aspiring to elevate its standards to match those of esteemed global institutions.

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