To Our People and Public Opinion

Our fighters, Berfin Cem, Ahîn Delkash, and Silav Ocalan, while standing on the frontlines of resistance against the attacks of the Turkish occupation state, have joined the ranks of the immortal.

Fighters of the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ)—Ergin Mohammed Ali, known by her nom de guerre Berfin Cem; Shahnaz Hamo, known as Ahîn Delkash; and Zainab Hamza, known as Silav Ocalan—bravely fought in the historic resistance against the mercenaries of the fascist and oppressive Turkish state and were martyred on different dates. We remember our martyred comrades with deep reverence and gratitude and extend our condolences first to their patriotic families, our entire people, and all comrades in the struggle.

On November 28, mercenaries affiliated with the Turkish occupation state intensified their attacks on the regions of northeast Syria, coinciding with their offensive on areas under the control of the Syrian Baath regime. In response to these attacks, freedom fighters demonstrated resilience, delivering heavy blows to the mercenaries.

Through these attacks, the mercenaries of the Turkish state target the women’s revolution and its achievements. In light of this, YPJ fighters, with this awareness, unite in the resistance being waged on the frontlines. They take on critical roles and missions, becoming a barrier to aggression and turning the dreams of occupation and its mercenaries upside down. Every fighter on the frontlines embodies the philosophy of “Woman, Life, Freedom.” They stand against the patriarchal, authoritarian mindset embodied in the mercenaries and refuse to let the occupation seize or plunder the liberated areas of northeast Syria. With this sacred purpose, our fighters sacrifice all they hold dear.

Our comrades, Berfin Cem, Ahîn Delkash, and Silav Ocalan, approached this stage guided by historical directives and the courage of a free and enlightened woman. They prepared and fought with determination. On the frontlines of the struggle, they became the symbol of the uprising and the fighting woman.

Our comrade Berfin Cem was born in Kobani, the city that became a global symbol of resistance. She grew up in a patriotic family immersed in Kurdish cultural values. As a young woman, she rejected a simple and ordinary life. Instead, she built herself upon national principles and quickly trained herself in the art of war and women’s militarization, becoming an exceptional fighter in the struggle.

Known for her humility, radiant smile, and strong sense of camaraderie, Berfin left a profound impact on all her comrades. For the sake of her homeland and the quest for freedom, she selflessly gave her life and etched her name into the golden pages of history.

Our comrade Ahîn Delkash was also born in Kobani. From a young age, she was inspired by the YPJ fighters and made them part of her dreams. Pursuing those dreams, she joined the ranks of the YPJ. The more she discovered the essence of women’s militarization, the stronger her resolve grew. She embraced life and struggle with profound understanding.

With a family legacy of participation in the struggle, Ahîn followed in the footsteps of her martyred relatives. Today, she stands as one of the immortals whose path we shall continue to follow. She combined her love and knowledge of patriotism with the principles of women’s freedom and military discipline. This enabled her to take on responsibilities and excel in various areas, including homeland defense.

With each attack by the Turkish state and its mercenaries on northeast Syria, Ahîn’s hatred for the enemy grew, fueling her sense of vengeance. She couldn’t turn a blind eye to the suffering in the region and the threats to the women’s revolution. This reality drove her to rapidly develop herself and stand firmly prepared against aggression.

Our comrade Silav Ocalan was born in Afrin, a city rich in national culture. She was raised with a deep love for the homeland and its land. Her family was among those who opened their doors to revolutionaries in the early years of the national struggle in Rojava, instilling the values and ethics of Kurdish identity in their children. Consequently, many members of her family joined the ranks of the YPJ and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Within this framework, Silav matured and embraced the ideals of defending revolutionary values. Like many young men and women who bore the responsibility of this land on their shoulders, she confronted the enemy with steadfast resolve and joined the YPJ.

Excelling in the specialization of heavy weaponry, Silav prepared herself with skill and determination. When mercenaries launched their attacks, she stepped into the battlefronts to play her role effectively.

Silav aspired to develop a strong personality and fight according to the principles of women’s militancy. This goal gave her immense inner strength to transform herself. She fully embodied the spirit of a YPJ fighter, becoming a model of a woman dedicated to her community’s values, living communally, and sacrificing herself for the socialist ideals of a democratic society.

Once again, we honor our fallen comrades and reaffirm that we will not leave any aggression unanswered. We vow to avenge each of our martyred comrades by defeating the occupation and ensuring the establishment of the democratic nation system for which we fight.

We call upon our people to stand beside their heroic sons and daughters during these difficult days of war, firmly connected to the memory of our righteous martyrs, in the spirit of revolutionary people’s war.


Records of Our Comrades:

Name and Surname: Ergin Mohammed Ali

Nom de Guerre: Berfin Cem

Mother’s Name: Ferida

Father’s Name: Hamad

Date of Martyrdom: 01.12.2024

Name and Surname: Shahnaz Hamo

Nom de Guerre: Ahîn Delkash

Mother’s Name: Ghazal

Father’s Name: Adel

Date of Martyrdom: 03.12.2024

Name and Surname: Zainab Hamza

Nom de Guerre: Silav Ocalan

Mother’s Name: Amina

Father’s Name: Juma

Date of Martyrdom: 07.12.2024

YPJ General Command


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